East Region Championship 2015

By | June 15, 2015

East Region Championship 2015

Levitation hosts East Region Championship 2015The date and venue for this has now been set and all clubs are invited to prepare for the competition which is being hosted by Levitation TC:

  • Date:  11th October
  • Venue: Hertfordshire Sports Village, De Havilland Campus University of Hertfordshire, Hatfield Business Park, Hatfield, Herts. AL10 9EU.

As in previous years there will be both team and individual champions and clubs may enter more than one team if they would like.  One big change this year is brought upon us because of the two different structures in use and in order to allow all to compete on a ‘level-playing field’ the competition will make use of the East Region’s Open Competition Structure.  This structure has been designed to give clubs confidence in using either NDP or Eastern Grades (or both in reflection of individuals’ needs) as their preferred development pathway going forward.  This new format structure was trialled at the recent Fenland Flyers Open where both the organizers and those attending thought it worked well with only minor wrinkles (now being in the process of being ironed out).

As with last year the competition will be for:

  • Trampoline for People with Disabilities,
  • Individual Trampoline &
  • Double Mini Trampoline.

If anybody has a query about the New Open Structure please email [email protected].

East Region Trampoline Technical Committee (Trampoline East) – AGM Notice

Our Annual General Meeting will immediately follow the East Region Championship competition.  Can all clubs please make an effort to attend.


Last Updated on February 4, 2021 by dave

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