If you have a concern about the safeguarding of a child or vulnerable adult:
If you have a concern, you should report it to either your Club Welfare Officer if it is related to a particular trampoline club, or County Welfare Officer if the Club Welfare Officer is suspected to be involved, or to the Event Welfare Officer if it is related to a competition, gala or similar trampolining event. Your County Welfare Officers and Regional Welfare Officers are available by telephone or e-mail to offer you advice and guidance.
If the matter is of an urgent nature, you can contact Children’s Social Care Services or the Police immediately. Your Club and County Welfare Officers will be able to advise you of any further reporting that will be required as a result of making a direct referral to a statutory agency.
It is the responsibility of the child protection experts to determine whether or not abuse of some form has taken place but it is everyone’s responsibility to report it. All concerns and allegations of potential poor practice or abuse will be taken seriously and responded to swiftly and appropriately.
The best practice guidance and procedures are equally applied within our group of the protection of vulnerable adults, although different legislation is applied. Confidentiality will be upheld within our group in line with the Data protection Act 1998 and the common law of confidentiality.
It is not the responsibility of our coaching teams or officials to decide if a child is being abused, but it is their responsibility to act upon their concerns.
Reporting incidents:
Any incidents that occur either in a club situation or at an event should be logged either in a book kept by the Club Welfare Officer or Event Welfare Officer or on a BG Incident Report Form. These should be kept under lock and key at all times. If the same or similar incidents reoccur then they should be reported in case they indicate abuse. If reoccurring incidents involve the same coach/official/volunteer or BG member then these should also be reported.
Reporting accidents:
It is the responsibility of the chair of the judging panel to record and report any accidents during a competition, no matter how minor it may appear at the time. Many of the sports and leisure centres where we train and compete provide us with first aid support. We also have trained emergency first aiders available at the competitions.
We have a responsibility for the safety and welfare of trampolinists, coaches, volunteers, officials and any visitors to our competitions. We have a legal responsibility to ensure that participants are protected against harm or danger whilst taking part in activities run by our region.
This is legally termed as the “Duty of care”.
All accidents should be completed in a suitable log book or on a BG Accident Report Form and reported to BG in accordance with their requirements.