Safeguarding Terminology
BG – British Gymnastics, Lilleshall, England. (Company Reg. No 1630001)
Welfare – Well-being of the child or vulnerable adult in our sport
Safeguarding – the actions we take to promote the welfare of all children involved in our
clubs and activities.
Child Protection – this is an important element of safeguarding for specific children who are at risk of or are suffering significant harm.
The Children Acts 1989 & 2004 – The Children Act defines a child or young person as anyone less than 18 years of age. All young people are vulnerable regardless of age, gender, disability, racial origin, religious belief and sexual orientation, and have a right to be protected from any form of abuse.
Duty Of Care – Our duty of care in the case of children/young persons starts from the time they are booked into an event, until they are returned to their coach, parent or guardian (depending upon the type of event). While a child is in our care we have a duty to act in ‘loco parentis’ (which means to act as a responsible parent would in any situation that may arise).
Vulnerable Adult – Somebody aged 18 or over that is susceptible to abuse.
Equality – British Gymnastics believes that everyone is entitled to be treated fairly regardless of gender, sexual orientation, age, parental or marital status, disability, religion, colour, race, ethnic or national origins, or socio/economic background.
Incident – An individual occurrence which should be logged and filed in case of repetition, which could indicate or lead to abuse.
Accident – an undesirable or unfortunate happening that occurs unintentionally and usually results in harm, injury, damage, or loss.
LSCB – Local Children’s Safeguarding Board