Regional Championship & Open Competitions

By | March 26, 2015

Regional Championship & Open Competitions

In previous years we have held an inter-club Regional Championship based on the grading routines.  With some clubs now opting to compete only in NDP this leaves the region divided in terms of routines being competed and the regional committee has been looking at ways in which we could come together without forcing clubs to abandon their principled decisions to adopt one, or the other, of the two structures we support in East.  All DMT and TPD competition in the region adopts the BG NDP structures and is not directly affected.


A competition structure in which the region can compete as peers again and which supports the Regional Championships.

A Basic Premise

The key pre-requisite is that in as far as it is possible those competing in either NDP or Grades are able to compete on a level footing with peers of similar age in Open Competitions.

Given this, it is entirely reasonable that where NDP deploys age-differential routines it is the routine that is competed which is key and not the grade.

Trying to map routines directly on the basis of like moves has failed to achieve a consensus.

The solution we have identified

Instead of using routines we should use tariff boundaries since there is no routine being used in current competition that cannot be defined in terms of its difficulty.

Outline of Solution

  1. Grades will be defined according to the difficulty score of the set routine (irrespective of whether it is a 9 or 10 move routine).
  2. In order to map onto existing regional championship perpetual trophies we want to have the same number of levels as the original grading system.
  3. Set routines must be either a recognized NDP or Trampoline East routine with the entry making clear which format is being used by competitor.
  4. Entries must compete either a ‘grade’ set that they have previously competed in regional competition or for one for which they have qualified. (The region’s technical sub-committee will arbitrate on any issues arising from this).
  5. Voluntary routines are a free choice (i.e. no mandated repeat of set) but must be within tariff constraints which are intended to permit a routine that could be the next higher set whilst discouraging a ‘simpler’ routine (the minimum in each case could be ‘repeat of set’ of course).
  6. Competition groups will need to be sorted by NDP and T-E entries (flights if a large enough group) where NDP adopts a 6-bounce and arm-set requirement in order to help judges know how to mark the beginning of the routine.
  7. Tariff can be awarded at all levels.  (This subject to committee review)
  8. Qualification between grade bands to be recorded regionally on achieving an aggregate form score over 2 rounds of 45.0 or greater. (Although clubs may award qualification according to either NDP or Trampoline-East grades criteria if they prefer).
  9. Where NDP  routines require a 6-bounce and arm-set start judges will award this an average deduction of 2 or 3 (judges discretion), no bonuses will be given.
  10. All incomplete routines will receive a score reflecting the moves completed. (This subject to committee review)
  11. Suggested levels based on tariff ranges are as follows:

Individual trampoline

The Mapped Grades column is intended only for guidance, the defining requirement will be the difficulty of the declared set routine.

GradeSet RangeVoluntary RangeMapped Grades
Band 1DD <1.0DD ≤ 1.5H, I, CDP 1 & 2
Band 2DD ≥ 1.0, ≤1.5DD ≥ 1.0 , ≤ 2.5G, NDP1
Band 3DD > 1.5, ≤2.5DD ≥ 1.5 , ≤ 3.0F, NDP2, NDP3
Band 4DD > 2.5, ≤3.0DD ≥ 2.5 , ≤ 5.0E, NDP4
Band 5DD > 3.0, ≤5.0DD ≥ 3.0 , ≤ 6.5D, T2K L3, NDP5, NDP6, U13 NDP7, U11 NDP8, U11 WAGC
Band 6DD > 5.0, ≤ 6.5DD > 5.0, ≤ 8.5C, T2K L2, O12 NDP7, O10/U17 NDP8
Band 7FIGNo restrictionB+, T2K L1, O16 NDP8

Tariff will be awarded for band 3 upwards.  (This subject to committee review) 


In order to promote participation in the discipline of Double Mini Trampoline at the Trampoline East Regional Championships, this competition will have a different format to that of the Regional Qualification events held in February and March.

Some clubs have expressed that the prescriptive nature of the National Development Plan levels for DMT has prevented some of their gymnasts from competing so far this year. In response to this Phil has devised a competition format comprising entirely voluntary passes, with bands of degree of difficulty (DD) determining which group a gymnast should enter.

Competing a pass that does not fall within the band entered (either too high, or too low) will incur a penalty of 0.5 from each execution judge.

Band 1max DD of 0.7 in each pass
Band 2DD of between 0.6 – 1.3 in each pass (every pass must contain a somersault)
Band 3DD of between 1.2 – 2.2 in each pass
Band 4DD of between 2.1 – 4.4 in each pass
Band 5minimum DD of 4.3 in each pass

Last Updated on June 16, 2015 by dave

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