Squad Update
Following the Junior & Youth Squad selection announcement, there remain a few spaces unallocated. It is the intention that the squad only operates with those capable of working to a high level, but it is entirely possible that some gymnasts may have recovered from injury, resolved move issues or are worthy of consideration now for other reasons. If any Coach has such a gymnast, they are invited to submit a request for review to the squad coaches ([email protected]), stating why they feel they should be offered a space. Squad coaches will hope to view such applicants at the forthcoming grading.
Calendar Update
With the Tracks 2000 League now having released their confirmed dates and handbook for 2015, the year appears to have changed shape such that a previously advertised Open Competition in May now clashes and so will be deferred. The updated calendar linked below aims to provide an overview of all competition & squad events (as well as main school holidays).
A number of dates have been highlighted as being Potential Regional Open Events; please note that these are not committed dates as yet and are dependant on clubs offering to host one – any such will be recorded on the region’s Google Calendar.
Watch This Space
It is understood that the National League organizers are about to launch a National League for Regional Competitors.
Last Updated on February 4, 2021 by dave