Important changes to East Region Squad

By | March 30, 2014

Reflecting on progress

As we approach the end of the second year of the regional development squad we have been reviewing the progress achieved so far and considering how to become more effective in working towards the objectives we set.  Those objectives were:

  • To raise the overall standard of Trampoline Gymnastics within the Eastern Region.
  • To do this through a squad programme which would focus on both coach education and performer development.
  • To identify coaches and gymnasts with the potential, desire and commitment to aim for World Class standards.
  • To find ways to nurture those coaches and gymnasts through mentoring and improved opportunity.
  • To encourage a non-parochial attitude to the development of suitable gymnasts through inter-club cooperation.

We believe that, although the ball has ‘started to roll’, the process needs to be refined and become more accurately targeted towards high achievement. Regardless of criteria, at a minimum, squad sessions will always remain open to the attendance of ANY COACH in the region to further their knowledge and development.


Starting on Sunday 25th May, the squad will be split according to age in order to focus more directly on the appropriate stage of gymnast development and ensure that the younger gymnasts (age groups under 13 and below) begin their careers on the correct technical path.  It is clear that the existing squad members (under 17 years) have made significant technical progress and we want to maintain this momentum, but most of these older gymnasts would have benefited even more from an earlier introduction.

It will be difficult to set out specific selection criteria for each age group, but the older group will be based on criteria similar to those adopted in the past.  The younger group will be assessed initially on a combination of factors:

  • Age groups under 13 and below,
  • Performance at squad sessions (if currently attending),
  • Form scores at recent competitions,
  • Assessment of potential by experienced high performance coaches.

Of course the most important criterion will be an obvious desire to ‘do what it takes’ to achieve excellence, because physical talent on its own is never enough.

As always, we may need to modify criteria slightly from time-to-time as circumstances dictate.

On May 25th the arrangements will be:

Venue:Courage Hall, Brentwood
Times:9.00 am to 11.50 am Junior Squad
12:10 pm to 3.00 pm Youth Squad
Numbers:    We expect numbers at each squad to be lower ensuring greater opportunity and bed choice.
Cost:£12.00 per gymnast.

Jack Kelly & Paul Kitchen – [antibot mailto=”[email protected]”]

Last Updated on March 30, 2014 by dave

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