Squad selection February 2014

By | January 31, 2014

Squad for February 2014

Following issue of revised criteria recently Jack & Paul are pleased to confirm the following successful squad applicants for the 9th February 2014 Squad session:

  • Name                                 Club                    Coach
  • Bex Alexander                            Aspire                     Rachel Patman
  • Maddison Merritt                     Brentwood              Paul Kitchen
  • Georgia Tyrrell                           Brentwood              Paul Kitchen
  • Olivia Watson                             Brentwood              Dave Kingaby
  • Monica Dowling                         Brentwood              Paul Kitchen
  • Susanna Badley                         Brentwood              Paul Kitchen
  • Zara Phillips (wc)                       Brentwood              Dave Kingaby
  • Matthew Burson                       Cangaroos                Tony Fagelman
  • Trinity Kelly                                  Cangaroos                Tony Fagelman
  • Taranne Kendon                       Cangaroos                Tony Fagelman
  • Evie Stokes-Shinn                     Dimensions              Claire Carse
  • Austin Pannell                            Dragons                     Rachel Paul
  • Sam Hodgkinson                       Hi-Tension                Crystelle Mills-Smith
  • Lily Patrick (wc)                          Hi-Tension                Maria Holmes
  • Hannah Hodgkinson (wc)      Hi-Tension                Maria Holmes
  • Thomas Verdicchio                   Levitation                 Zoe Wilson
  • Elise Das                                        Mid Suffolk              Philipa Das
  • Caitlin Houston                          Pegasus                     Amanda Robson
  • Lucy Bevan                                  Pegasus                     Amanda Robson
  • Joe Harris                                     Recoil                         Graham Parker
  • Kendra Sherlock                        Recoil                         Graham Parker
  • Lauren Bembrick-Taylor         Recoil                         Graham Parker
  • Carys Verdicchio (wc)              Rotations                  Sonia Verdicchio
  • Kathryn Marson                        Rotations                  Paul Verdicchio
  • Jasmine Samson                        Sprung Loaded       Charlie Mussino
  • Reece Norden                            Sprung Loaded       Charlie Mussino
  • Luke Dewe                                  Sprung Loaded       Charlie Mussino
  • Amelia Edbrooke (wc)            Sprung Loaded       Pat Dodson
  • Freya Grundy (wc)                   Waveney
  • Haidee Spence (wc)                 Waveney

Squad Programme

  •   9.45  Arrival.
  • 10.00  Welcome and introduction.
  • 10.10  Floor warm up (Directed).
  • 10.30  Tramp warm up (Directed).
  • 10.45 Jump drills.
  • 11.30  Focus on ‘Engagement’.  * (see note below)
  • 11.45  ‘Perpetual Motion’ Hour.
  • 12.45  Lunch.
  • 13.30  Floor warm up (Own choice).
  • 13.45  Tramp warm up (Own choice).
  • 14.00 Work to own programme (Come prepared!)
  • 15.00 Session review, cleardown and depart.

* All gymnasts should bring their current training diaries and a pen to the squad session on Sunday 9th February.   Anyone without a training diary should bring a suitable notebook as this will be required during the session.


The squad will commence at 10am on 9th February and finish around 3pm, catering is normally limited to vending machines so you are advised to bring refreshments with you, we normally take a 45 minute lunch break in the middle of the session.

The squad fee remains set at £15 payable on the day to Dave please.  Can you please confirm your intent on attending as soon as possible since there are other wild card opportunities we could still consider if you are not able to attend.

Please note all performers should be fit enough to cope with the length of the session and accompanied by a coach familiar with their current work.

Last Updated on February 6, 2014 by dave